
Learn More about “The Pooja Way” Scholarship…

  • Pursuing her Genetic Counseling training required Pooja to move from the comforts of home, family and friends to a place she knew little about and knew no one. Despite the challenges of adapting to a foreign country and adjusting to a rigorous graduate school program, Pooja found a unique way to assimilate with her positivity, humor and resiliency. She was always quick to find the humor in the challenges she faced. With her undeniable warmth and care of others, she made connections and friends easily. She never gave up despite the many challenges thrown her way. She ultimately achieved great things bringing genetic counseling back to India and inspiring others with her knowledge, expertise, mentorship, empathy, and unique Pooja way!

  • This scholarship has been established to honor the approach Pooja took to cope with the challenges of studying abroad. We recognize the leap of faith it takes to be an International student, to study abroad, to step on a plane that takes one far from home, to find one’s way in a new culture, and to find the resiliency to keep at it even when it all seems too overwhelming. There is no doubt, Pooja would have wanted to celebrate the human spirit and resiliency of these students and to support them during one of their most trying phases of life. By establishing this scholarship, we want to create a community that is invested in helping International Genetic Counseling students feel more supported as they transition and assimilate to the United States.

  • Currently this scholarship fund is intended to provide financial support to one or two International Genetic Counseling students, either incoming or currently enrolled. Finances for International Genetic Counseling students can prove particularly challenging as there are additional requirements and expenses for International students above and beyond the application fee and tuition that applies to all.

Application Process


Applications open: TBD for 2025

Applications due: TBD for 2025


  • You are a not a US or Canadian citizen

  • You have been admitted to a Masters Degree program in Genetic Counseling in the U.S. or Canada

  • You began your training in August 2024 or are scheduled to start your program in August 2025.

*If you have questions regarding eligibility, please contact the Scholarship Committee at


Once the application process is open, please use the application link to submit a video or essay on your vision for genetic counseling, how training in the U.S. is helping you achieve that vision and how the Pooja Way, using love, humor, optimism and resiliency, will inspire your own endeavors.

Applications will be reviewed by the Pooja Way Committee, which will include a representative from the NSGC International SIG.

Please send your questions and/or submission to: