Pooja Ramchandran
1981 - 2022
Her Journey to the U.S.:
Pooja Ramchandran was a special light in this world. She made everyone’s day better with her warmth, humor, positivity and "never give up" attitude. With that same energy, she ventured halfway around the world from her home in Mumbai, India to Baltimore, Maryland to pursue an education in Genetic Counseling.
Like many aspiring international students she wanted to pursue a post-graduate education in a field not offered or well supported in her home country. So in 2005, she applied to the Genetic Counseling Training Program at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health/National Human Genome Research Institute. Despite having to apply and interview virtually, she made quite the impression (no surprise to those who knew her) and earned one of five spots at this prestigious program.
Pursuing this endeavor required her to move from the comforts of home, family and friends to a place she knew little about and knew no one. Despite the challenges of adapting to a foreign country and adjusting to a rigorous graduate school program, Pooja found a unique way to assimilate with her undeniable positivity, humor and resiliency. Despite the everyday challenges she faced (like getting lost on a daily basis), she was always quick to find the humor in the moment and could have everyone laughing with her before she finished the story of her latest adventure. With her unending warmth and care of others, she made connections and friends easily. She had a beautiful way of bringing people together.
Her Legacy:
After completing her training, she would return to India taking her knowledge and experiences back to her home country to help advance the field of genetic counseling in India. She was incredibly passionate about genetic counseling. She wanted to make sure others knew genetic counseling was more than just science but also the art of listening and communicating with empathy. She worked for genetic testing companies, assisted reproductive technology clinics, and with cancer patients as a cancer educator. Her last position was Vice President of Genetic Counseling at MapMyGenome where she oversaw and facilitated genetic counseling for prenatal, pediatric, and adult patients from across India and the globe. She dedicated time to mentor students interested in the field of genetic counseling. She inspired others in India to also pursue genetic counseling and truly left her mark on all those she met. She was a much sought-after expert, being the first genetic counselor in India with a formal genetic counseling degree.
More than a Talented Genetic Counselor:
In addition to being a Genetic Counselor, Pooja was a talented stand-up comedian, singer and musician. She often used humor to advocate, educate, and champion the many issues she believed needed a voice. Music was an important outlet for her and also another way she made a lasting impression on many. Pooja was also a self-described "humanist." Pooja cared deeply for others and had a unique way of bringing people together. She was a devoted daughter, loving sister, and the best Auntie. She made lasting impressions on pretty much anyone she met. There is no shortage of heart-warming stories from friends, family, mentees and colleagues.
Unfortunately, Pooja was taken from this world all too soon by ovarian cancer in April 2022. Many of us are left imagining how much more she could have given this world if she had more time. She truly was a unique individual and the way she approached living is something we want to remember, celebrate, and honor.
About “The Pooja Way”
The four words often used to describe Pooja…
She had so much of it to give and spent much of her time giving it to others. Her love for the Genetic Counseling profession drove her to the U.S. and brought her back to India to grow the field she loved.
She often used humor to deal with adversity. Maybe it was a her coping mechanism but it was also her gift. She always found a way to find the humor in the most trying moments. She had a knack for creating laughter with her witty and ridiculous comments. She also had an unforgettable snort-laugh that was so endearing and only caused further bouts of laughter for all.
Pooja was truly a “ray of sunshine,” but not in an annoyingly over optimistic way. She had an amazing way of encouraging people while also being completely comfortable with another person’s sadness or struggles. At any time she welcomed a good therapeutic cry, but also was ready to cheer you up with a good joke, hug, or dance session. No matter what the world threw at her, she had a beautiful and genuine way of facing it with her optimistic and courageous spirit.
Pooja’s journey to pursue her graduate degree in Genetic Counseling is a testament to her resiliency. But her resiliency didn’t stop there. She was dealt a hard hand with being diagnosed with Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis. At times she was overwhelmed by the pain and struggles of these conditions. However, resiliency never faltered and she coped with her humor, optimism and love. Even when she received the diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer, she was most concerned about her friends and family rather than herself. She continued to somehow be more resilient than everyone else.